Configure Access Rights (ACLs) for a Repo

Note: This section is for system administrators only.
GitCentric implements a group-based ACLs security model derived from Gerrit Code Review. This is a powerful tool for defining who can do what with Git repositories under GitCentric control. You will need to have a solid understanding of these group-based ACLs and do some planning before implementing them, so be sure to first read the following section: GitCentric Group-Based ACLs, and the Gerrit Code Review documentation for details.

Use the following general procedure for settings ACLs on your repos.

  1. Click the Administration button and then click the Repositories menu.
    The Repositories page appears. See Administration for more information.

  2. Click the repository you want to configure. Selecting All-Projects will cause all other repositories to inherit whatever ACLs you apply.
    Note: Only the All-Projects system-defined repo has a Global Capabilities section with an Administrate Server permission which gives Administrators broad powers across all repos. Be extremely careful when editing this permission.)
  3. On the Repositories page, click the Access button. For more information, see Access Page.

  4. Use the Rights Inherit From: link to specify the repository from which you want the new repository to inherit its access settings. (By default, all repositories inherit access rights from the system-defined All-Projects. You can create a parent-only repository to easily apply settings such as this to all child repositories. See Create a Repository for GitCentric for more information.)
  5. Click Edit, then Add Reference. In the Reference field, you can accept the default value (refs/ heads/*) to apply the access setting to all branches in repository, or modify it to apply to a specific branch. Specifying refs/* applies the ACL to everything in the repo.
  6. Select the permission that you want to apply to this repository from the list.

  7. After selecting the permission, complete the Group Name field for whom this permission applies in the this repository. The field supports type-ahead, so, for instance, entering R will provide Registered Users as a possible completion.
  8. Optionally enter a commit message. An admin user can view this when performing a git log refs/meta/config command on the repository.
  9. When done, click the Save Changes button.