Map a Git Branch to an AccuRev Stream

Note: This section is for system administrators only.

You associate Git repositories and AccuRev depots at the branch and stream level, respectively: you map a specific branch in a Git repo to a mount point (a directory) within a specific AccuRev stream. This process has two main steps, each of which is performed on the AccuRev Connector panel in the GitCentric GUI:

  1. Specifying the AccuRev Server Connection.
  2. Mapping the Branch to the Stream.

You also use the AccuRev Connector panel to implement AccuRev change packages, which require that all changes be associated with a specific issue from your issue tracking system. See Enable and Use Change Packages for more information.

Avoid Git Reserved Name for AccuRev Elements

You should avoid using the Git reserved name .git for any element (a directory, file, or link, for example) in an AccuRev stream that is mapped to a Git repository. Using Git reserved words like .git for AccuRev elements creates problems when GitCentric synchronizes the stream and repository.