GitCentric Administrators and Mapping Branches to Streams

A GitCentric administrator uses the GitCentric GUI (and optionally the GitCentric CLI commands) to configure the mapping between Git branches and AccuRev streams. A Git repository (repo) is associated with a single AccuRev Server, and with an AccuRev username (the service account) for performing GitCentric administrative tasks. Once this association is defined, a GitCentric administrator can proceed to map Git repo branches to AccuRev streams on that server. The directory within a stream that is mapped to a Git branch is called the mount point.

After the mapping has been done, the GitCentric bridge web application uses triggers to automatically keep the Git repo and the AccuRev depot in sync, while the GitCentric GUI gives you the ability to create repos, map branches to streams, set ACLs, etc.

You can have multiple GitCentric AccuRev user accounts:

  • Administrative users who interactively log into the GitCentric GUI (and any related AccuRev Servers), for manual administrative tasks.
  • Service account users, accessed internally by the GitCentric bridge, for automatically syncing the Git repos and their mapped AccuRev streams

Service account users must be defined (either as an individual user, or as a group) in the AccuRev Server acserver.cnf file(s), using the ASSIGN_USER_PRIVILEGE setting in AccuRev 5.4 or later.

Note: Best practice is to assign this to a group so that different members of the group can have different access rights. For example, one member of the group might be from a remote organization with different access rights than another member of the group.

The syntax for the entry in acserver.cnf is

ASSIGN_USER_PRIVILEGE = <user_or_group_name>

If you specify multiple ASSIGN_USER_PRIVILEGE settings, only the first one is honored.