Code Review for Users of Differing Backgrounds

Experienced Git users

If you are a Git user who is new to both Gerrit and AccuRev, you will continue to use Git the same way you always have. However, if code review is enforced at your site, you may now need to configure your clones to push to a special code review branch. See Create a Clone From a GitCentric Repository. Your changes will need to be approved by others, and you may be requested to approve other people’s changes. In any case, once your changes are approved and pushed to the repository, GitCentric automatically synchronizes them with the appropriate stream in AccuRev. Likewise, when you do a pull, fetch, or clone, you may find that changes have been synchronized from the AccuRev stream.

Experienced AccuRev users

If you are an experienced AccuRev user, your site may have you continue to manage your changes in AccuRev SCM. If so, you may never need to log into GitCentric or use code review. But if you start working in Git, you will use GitCentric to access the code review features, and to manage your account.

Experienced Gerrit users

If you are an experienced Gerrit user, not much has changed: You push your updates in Git, and they get code-reviewed in Gerrit. If you are a reviewer, you will log in through GitCentric, and then go directly to Gerrit where you will perform Gerrit operations the same way you always have. However, your changes will now be automatically synced between the repository and the AccuRev stream to which it is mapped. (And if changes are made in the AccuRev stream, they will automatically be synced with the corresponding repository, and you will see them the next time you do a pull/fetch/clone command.) The Settings link now goes to the GitCentric GUI, and administrators will find that all administrative functions now appear through the GitCentric GUI.

Regardless of your experience and your expertise, you should be aware that the four components that you may work with (Git, Gerrit, GitCentric, and AccuRev) each have their own documentation and knowledge base. Several excellent sites exist on the web for Git and Gerrit; and Gerrit, GitCentric, and AccuRev all have extensive on-line help. And you should have at least one experienced user or administrator at your site who is knowledgeable about each of these technologies.