Specifying the Commit Message Format

Note: This section is for system administrators only.

To specify the commit message format that users will be required to follow when pushing commits (and from which the GitCentric bridge will obtain the issue number required to enforce AccuRev change packages):

  1. Click the Administration button and then click the Repositories menu.
    The Repositories page appears. See Administration for more information.

  2. Click the repository for which you want to enable change packages.
  3. On the Repositories page, click AccuRev Connector menu and locate the Associate Issues With Commits section. (For more information, see AccuRev Connector Page).

  4. In the Issue Tracking System field, specify whether you are using AccuWork or a third-party issue tracking system.
    Tip: If this field is disabled, specify the AccuRev Server connection information and click the Save button.
  5. In the Regular Expression field, use a regular expression to specify the format of the commit message you require, Resolves issue 1234, for example. You can accomplish this by either:
    • Entering a regular expression. GitCentric displays sample expressions as soon as you begin typing in the field, as shown in the following illustration.

    • Clicking the Test... button to display a dialog box that lets you experiment and verify that the regular expression you enter satisfies your requirements.

      Refer to the instructions on the dialog box for its use.

      Clicking the Save button on this dialog box saves your regular expression to the Regular Expression field in the Associate Issues With Commit section of the AccuRev Connector panel.

  6. Click the Save button in the Associate Issues With Commit section to save your work.

    See GitCentric Regular Expressions for more information on regular expressions and their use in GitCentric.