Version 2016.1 Hot Fix 1

18874343 - Eclipse needs restart to show newly created Depots/WorkSpace

If a user created a new depot on AccuRev Client , the depot was not visible on Eclipse Share Project Wizard without a restart. The issue has been resolved in this release. The user can create a new depot on AccuRev Client and on Eclipse without restarting. Additionally, user can share a project on Share Project Wizard and then select the required server and see the newly created depot.

19004294 - Depot list not refreshing while changing severs

While user tries to share a project from Eclipse to AccuRev, the Depot list does not refresh. On the Share Project Wizard, if there are multiple servers added to the list and the user tries to switch from one to another, the Select Depot list does not refresh. However, the Workspace list does refresh properly as soon as the server details changed.

The issue has been resolved in this release. The Depot list refreshes as soon as user selects the required server.