Get Data Set Attributes


This tool is used to get the attributes of a single MVS data set. It is typically used to refresh the properties of data sets which were returned by “Get Data Sets”.


Parameter No I/O Type Meaning
1 [M] I String/MassProcessing  Dataset name. The data set to return properties for.
2 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Type of the data set.
3 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Dataset organisation.
4 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Record format of the data set.
5 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Record length of the data set.
6 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Space units of the data set.
7 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Primary quantity of the data set.
8 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Secondary quantity of the data set.
9 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Total quantity of the data set.
10 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Volume serial of the data set.
11 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Block size of the data set.
12 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Whether the data set is SMS managed.
13 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Whether the data set is accessible.
14 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Suffix of the data set.
15 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Whether the data set can be browsed.
16 [M] O String/MassProcessing  Whether the data set is editable.

In order to refresh properties of a single data set element, the “Resource Processing” attribute of the tool descriptor must be set to “UPDATE”.

Notes on mass processing support: