General Preparation before Customizing and Installing the Triggers

Do the following steps on the machine where the AccuRev server is installed:
  1. Create a new Windows folder C:\users\triggeruser. You have to use the AccuRev user name which you have created in the section "Define AccuRev User". Here we are using the name triggeruser.
  2. Open a Windows command prompt as Administrator, and enter the following commands:
    set HOMEDRIVE=c:
    set HOMEPATH=\users\triggeruser
    accurev login -n triggeruser triggeruser
  3. Verify that a session token has been created in the .accurev folder.
  4. Make sure that a temporary directory is the current one (e.g. C:\temp) and then execute the java command
    java -DLOG_HOME=c:\temp -cp “C:\Program Files\AccuRev\bin\mfcTriggers-2.1.0-all.jar” com.microfocus.main.Main --command getTriggers
  5. Open the temporary path and verify that two Perl scripts have been extracted to this folder.