ECN-4359 Setting grid cells programmatically

Type of Change: Enhancement

Incidents: 2826469

RPI Number: 1100186


Module: Run Time

New Version: 10.0

Machines Affected: All

Known Versions Affected: 9.2.2 and later

Description of enhancement

ECN 4248 in extend 9.2.2 attempted to enforce data in grid cells based on the datatype property of the cell, so that even a MODIFY of a cell would fail to set the data as requested. This has turned out to be inconvenient for many users.

Instructions for use

There is a new configuration variable, GRID_ENFORCE_DATATYPE which, when set to the value TRUE, will cause a MODIFY statement to use valid characters for the datatype of the cell. The default value of this variable is FALSE, so that version 10.0 acts like version 9.2.1 and prior in this respect.

You may want to set this variable to TRUE if you want to make sure that your COBOL code does not do anything that a user would not be able to do.