Windows 64-bit Installations

There are 64-bit versions of most products. These 64-bit product versions install from an installation that is separate and unique from the standard 32-bit Windows version of extend software. The installation process follows the same steps as described in Installation on Windows Platforms. Note that the 64-bit installation also installs 32-bit versions of those products that do not have 64-bit equivalents. This includes certain program executables, such as AcuBench, as well as non-executables, such as sample programs and tools.

When selecting products to install on Windows x64 platforms the 32-bit products will be installed into a special Windows folder reserved for 32-bit programs called "Program Files (x86)". The Windows Start menu items will use these 32-bit versions. Some of the 32-bit products have 64-bit equivalents and are automatically installed into the Windows "Program Files" directory if the 32-bit product was selected to be installed. The 64-bit "Program Files" directory only contains the executables and does not contain all of the support files. The support files are found in the "Program Files (x86)" directory along with all the 32-bit executables.

An example of a 32-bit product that does not have a 64-bit equivalent is AcuBench. When you compile and run programs from AcuBench, the 32-bit versions of the compiler and runtime are used. AcuBench does not require any path changes for this to occur. All the 32-bit versions are fully supported and functional in the 64-bit environments.

When running the license activator, the installer runs the 64-bit version of the Activator utility so that it can install the license files into both the 32-bit and 64-bit directories. If you run the Activator utility from the command prompt, make sure you are using the 64-bit version in the "Program Files" directory, because the 32-bit Activator utility will generate license files only for the 32-bit products.