Resolved Issues

RPI 1109590
Software running very slow after recent upgrade.
RPI 1109607
Print Area Setup not working
RPI 1110024
RDE: Unable to suppress dialogs from popping up when a connection error occurs
RPI 1110091
Hotspots do not work when profile is initially loaded
RPI 1110664
Sync issue - ITEM 80 Script
RPI 1110829
Getsceen method is pulling from history in UNIX after applying HF 15282
RPI 1111027
Experiencing intermittent loss of characters when scanning.
RPI 1111058
Screens sometimes fail to paint in Mainframe Display.
RPI 1111127
AS400 Connecting to Mainframe using 3270 emulation
RPI 1111168
Application Stopped Working Error After Upgrade
RPI 1111353
Rumba session crashes when running a script from toolbar button
RPI 1111578
Pressing F10 causes MF & AS400 session to hang
RPI 1112113
SendScreen doesn't work on the first try, requires second invocation to function
RPI 1112123
Rumba print screen is at times crashing Rumba or not printing
RPI 1112295
Rumba session crashes when attempting to run a script from Tools -> Run script
RPI 1112337
Hotfix 17344 - Cursor Missing In Some Options
RPI 1112425
Some hotspots do not work.
RPI 1112505
HLLAPI application fails with Rumba+ Desktop 9.5 SP1
RPI 1112608
STRPCO command does not work if it is over 132 characters.
RPI 1112651
Rumba+ Script StrParse function within a loop causes the loop to exit.
RPI 1112696
Selecting text to copy using the keyboard fails to include the current line.
RPI 1112705
Parts of host screen disappear when using F7 or F8 after marking text with mouse.
RPI 1112734
Paste area setup fails when copying 30,000 records from Excel to Rumba+ screen.
RPI 1112773
5250 eHLLAPI function 24 incorrectly reports OIA updated.
RPI 1113058
Rumba VT320 xterm F1 key in EML macro not working.
RPI 1113075
Memory leak in WDDspPag.exe when running simple .csf script.
RPI 1113191
SP 1 removes file from customized installation.
RPI 1113399
Pressing F8 (next page) quickly causes CICS application to fail.
RPI 1114140
Crash with Rumba+ Desktop 9.5 on AS/400 display when pressing F16.
RPI 1114468
Rumba+ Desktop UNIX print screen crash
RPI 1114535
The top section of the Rumba+ Desktop screen blanks out then after different keys strokes
RPI 1114572
Rumba+ Desktop crashes on launch after applying Windows 10 Fall Creator's update.
RPI 1114587
Error when navigating in an AS/400 session (using HF 18550).
RPI 1114755
Windows 10 updates Rumba+ Desktop to display black screen.
RPI 1114789
WD_RunProfile API options 0, 2, 6, 7 send a \nosplash to RumbaPage.exe.
RPI 1114847
Request for Web-to-Host HF that coexists with Rumba+ Desktop 9.5 SP1 HF 19852.
RPI 1114979
Error reading desktop profile.
RPI 1115056
Rumba+ Desktop 9.4 displays black screen after WIndows 10 updates.
RPI 1115261
Rumba+ Desktop screen is blank after Windows 10 updates.
RPI 1115298
When the user clicks on the session profile, the starting splash page flashes then disappears.
RPI 1115444
The cursor is not being placed in the correct fields on an application's first ISPF pane.
RPI 1115544
Pressing Shift + Down arrow keys does not select the field the cursor is in.
RPI 1115545
Cursor is ghosting on the screens.
RPI 1115644
Rumba+ Desktop crashes when connecting to host port with SAF security for Multi-Facet Authentication.