Setting trace in Pro Sessions

Pro uses the Rumba Trace utility that comes with Rumba as standard. If Rumba is installed, use its trace utility.

If Rumba is not installed, you can download the Trace utility from the server hosting Web-to-Host. Type the following URL into the address bar of any Web browser.


Important: Before starting the procedure, close all applications. If you are using Rumba, ensure it is closed. Ensure there are no blue and red icons in the tray bar.

To take a correct binary trace:

  1. Select Start > Programs > Micro Focus Rumba > Rumba Tools > Micro Focus Rumba 9.5 SP1 Trace.
  2. On the menu bar, select Options > Configuration.
  3. On the API Selection page, click Select All. After all entries have been selected, click Reset All.
  4. On the Output page, in the Formatted Output section, select Display.
  5. In the Binary Output section select Binary File. The box next to the option becomes available.
  6. Enter the full path for the binary file being created (or browse to it). or example, you might assign the file the call log number, c368758.bin. All file names should end with the extension .bin.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Minimize the Rumba Trace window that appears.
  9. Run the Rumba application that is causing the problem as you normally would, starting from the connection (for example, Rumba Display, or Printer). Let the program run until the problem appears (error message, session hanging, or any other problem).
  10. Log off and disconnect from the host.
  11. Maximize the Rumba Trace window, then select File > Exit.
  12. Send the .bin file you created by email to Micro Focus Technical Support.