Creating a Sprint from Timeboxes View

The following describes how to add a Sprint while you are in the Timeboxes view looking at all of your Sprints. You can also add a Sprint when you are in the Backlog. See Creating a Sprint from the Backlog.
  1. Click PLANNING > GUID-4E25936C-C851-490D-9B6F-D58F8415EF2C-low.png Timeboxes
  2. Select Sprints from the list.
  3. Click GUID-819C27FE-0365-450D-828B-BBCDF061FEB6-low.png New.
  4. Enter the Sprint Name.
  5. Enter the Capacity.
  6. Select the Start Date and End Date.
  7. Select a Release.
  8. Click OK.