Sprints Panel

Click PLANNING > GUID-8860DDC9-D19F-457B-BF1D-D8EE19E5C00D-low.png Backlog > GUID-0ECE6B6C-7C13-4354-83D7-525395B0D234-low.png Sprints Panel. This opens the Sprints Panel.

You create and edit Sprints in the Sprints Panel in the Backlog. Sprints belong to a Project and can be assigned to a Release.

GUID-13CEFE1C-3F50-4F03-947B-9D331A58F9A3-low.png Watch how to Use the Sprints Panel.

Tip: To view a list of all of your Sprints, use PLANNING > GUID-4E25936C-C851-490D-9B6F-D58F8415EF2C-low.png Timeboxes and then select Sprints from the list. See Sprints View.

Sprint Status

The top part of the Sprints Panel contains the dashboard that you can use to gauge a Sprint's health. You can review information about available/used points, items not estimated, items without owners, how many stories are true User Stories, and how many are Defects, etc.

Click Edit Sprint to open the Edit Sprint dialog box to set the available capacity for your sprint (The number of Story points that you expect to be able to complete in a Sprint.).