Backlog View

Click PLANNING > GUID-8860DDC9-D19F-457B-BF1D-D8EE19E5C00D-low.png Backlog.

The Backlog view represents the ranked actionable work queue. This view is limited to schedule-able items (items without child Stories, and that are not already scheduled in a Sprint). Users come here to view/modify Project priorities, and to quickly add work items to a Sprint. The main goals of the Backlog view are to rank your Stories and then add them to Sprints.

A Story's Rank is a numerical value used to represent it's position in the Backlog. Agile teams use Rank to identify relative priority and work sequence. When scheduling work (pulling items from the Backlog to a Sprint), Stories at the top of the Backlog are traditionally scheduled for work first. Story Rank can be modified via drag & drop and direct edit. When you drag-drop a Story in the Backlog, the Rank is automatically updated to reflect its new position/ranking. You can also double click the field and manually edit the value.

You can also: Create a Story, Open a Story, Assign Stories to a Release, Rank Stories, and Copy Tasks from Other Stories.